Vintage Seed Catalogs

The Smithsonian Institution Libraries have a wonderful collection of
vintage seed catalogs from 1830 to 1930s. They can be printed out
and used a multitude of ways, for example they
make very lovely seed envelopes.
Enjoy the possibilities!

Sun travelers

Took a spontaneous road trip to NYC over the weekend, where the sunshine was waiting for us.
Here's some images of the travels...I especially loved the Brooklyn flea market,
full of lovely people and great finds!

Wildflower paper

An amazing find of planetable paper. Beautiful handmade paper that grows wildflowers when planted,there so many ways to use them, but I love the growing heart confetti!
I can't wait to try these in my new flat! Poppies, lavender,
catchfly, bird's eye, wildflowers fields here I come!

Children of the night

We came whirling out of nothingness
scattering stars like dust
The stars made a circle
and in the middle we danced.

-Rumi 13th century persian poet and mystic

Hand Meridians

Make your own hand meridian here.

Snow dying

Snow dying is a simple technique for dying fabric using snow instead of water that gives great results. I must say I'm a bit addicted it's really simple and its always a surprise to see the final results!


Mix dyes
Place fabric at bottom of container
Put 1inch or more packed snow over the piece of fabric
Pour on the dyes
Wait.....30min or more depending on the intensity of colors intended
Rinse fabric, wash & dry...
Ta Dah...easy peasy!

Tea me...

For those frosty days by the fire....Yumchaa my favorite tea people make the most lovely tea experience, they have cute names like Notting Hill and Gentle Giant, and are full of flowers and goodness! Now if I could only get my hands on a little submarine infuser by monkey business!
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